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Re: your mail

On -1 xxx -1, it was written:

> X400-Received: by /c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/; converted ( IA5-Text); 
>    Relayed; 03 Nov 1995 07:38:27 -0800
> X400-Received: by mta Triton in /c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/; converted (
>    IA5-Text);  Relayed; 03 Nov 1995 07:38:27 -0800
> X400-Mts-Identifier: [/c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/; 0639B309A3773002-Triton]
> Content-Identifier: 0639B309A3773002
> Content-Return: Allowed
> X400-Content-Type: P2-1988 ( 22 )
> Conversion: Allowed
> Original-Encoded-Information-Types: IA5-Text
> Priority: normal
> Disclose-Recipients: Prohibited
> Alternate-Recipient: Allowed
> X400-Originator: Chester.Hashizume@jpl.nasa.gov
> X400-Recipients: non-disclosure;
> Message-Id: 
>   <0639B309A3773002*/c=us/admd=telemail/prmd=nasa/o=jpl/ou=ccmail/s=Hashizume/g=Chester/@MHS>
> Date: 03 Nov 1995 07:38:27 -0800
> From: "Chester Hashizume" <Chester.Hashizume@jpl.nasa.gov>
> To: "www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu" <www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu> 
(Return requested) > Subject: Re: Getting off of this list
> Mime-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="PART.BOUNDARY.throm.63f1.309a3781.0001"
> Sender: owner-www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
> Precedence: bulk
> Errors-To: owner-www-security@ns2.rutgers.edu
> --PART.BOUNDARY.throm.63f1.309a3781.0001
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Disposition: inline
> ---------------------------- Forwarded with Changes ---------------------------
> From: Majordomo@ns2.rutgers.edu at Internet
> Date: 11/3/95 7:03AM
> To: Chester Hashizume at JPL-ICIS
> Subject: Majordomo results: Unsubscribe
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --PART.BOUNDARY.throm.63f1.309a3781.0001
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Content-Disposition: inline; filename=ATTACH01.TXT
> I sent a message with unsubscribe to  www-security-request@ns2.rutgers.edu and 
> received the following message back:
> --
> >>>> unsubscribe
> **** unsubscribe: '"Chester Hashizume" <Chester.Hashizume@jpl.nasa.gov>' is not
> a member of list 'www-security'.
> --
> I'm a member of some list since I continue to get messages from this listserve.  
> How do I get off!
> --PART.BOUNDARY.throm.63f1.309a3781.0001--

Your mail id in the Reply-To: or From: address portion of your message 
likely doesn't match your mailing address entry on the www-security list
itself. The Majordomo server I implemented here seems to want to do an
exact match of the *entire* mail address string in the list. Since Sendmail
is often configured to rewrite addresses so that actual hostnames are 
omitted, and individual mailers can often do similar things, Majordomo can
see an address on your message quite different from your address on the list.

Depending on how the folks at Rutgers set up the security on this list, 
you may or may not be able to get Majordomo to dump a listing of who's on
the list and find out exactly what your mail id string looks like. 
Send a message to Majordomo@ns2.rutgers.edu with these lines in the body:

who www-security

- to attempt to get a listing. If it works, dig your mail id out and send
the command: 

unsubscribe www-security <your exact mailid string appearing in the list>

It might not work as planned, but it's worth a shot,
Hopefully, the Majordomo-owner will take a look into this too.

Geoff Smith - Systems Admin., Westboro Site

Titan Client/Server Techonologies 
Email: smithg@titan.com
USnail: 2000 West Park Drive, Westboro MA 01581